
Removing hot pixels.

Dbblast can also be used to remove hot, stuck, or dead pixels
from .jpg and .png images.

First you have to find the x, y coordinates of the hot pixels.
Any good photo editing software will allow you do this. Zooming
in to 800% or 1600% will allow you to see the hot pixels easily.

NOTE: Dbblast assumes that the top left pixel in an image is at
coordinate 0,0. If your editing software assumes something else,
you will need to adjust your coordinates.

When you have the coordinates of the hot pixels, create a text
file named default.hpx and list the hot pixel coordinates. The
format should be one line per pixel, x coordinate first, then a
comma, then the y coordinate.



Make sure the file is in the same directory as the images you are
going to batch process. When dbblast runs it will automatically
remove the hotpixels listed in default.hpx. If you don't want hot
pixel processing, just delete default.hpx or remove all the hot
pixel coordinates from the file.

If you use the command line version of dbblast you can use the -p
switch to process only hot pixels. Without the -p switch dbblast
will remove both dust bunnies and hotpixels, provided that
default.hpx exists in the working directory and it lists valid hot
pixel coordinates. See Commandline Usage.

Dbblast removes hotpixels in the order that they are listed in
default.hpx. So, if you have several hot pixels grouped together
you will get the best results if you list the hot pixels on the
outer perimeter of the group first.